IWR News for June 7th
Has Global Depopulation Already Started?

June 7, 2024

503 Peter Merrick Federal Budget
Federal Budget Exposed: The Bankrupting of Canada
Peter J. Merrick
511 IWR Week of June 14
IWR News for June 14th: Special Report
Fake News – The False EU Elections Narrative
505 Peter McCullough
Will Disease X Break the Pandemic Narrative?
Dr. Peter McCullough
506 James Roguski The WHO Amendments
The WHO Amendments: Back from the Dead
James Roguski
507 IWR Week of June 7th
IWR News for June 7th
Has Global Depopulation Already Started?
502 Robert Malone Psychological Biowarfare
Psychological Biowarfare and Disease X
Dr. Robert Malone
500 Ben Turner Health Care Tyranny
Canada Under the WHO’s Health Care Dictatorship
Dr. Ben Turner
504 IWR Week of May 31
IWR News for May 31st
Is the WHO Pandemic Treaty Dead?

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Has Global Depopulation Already Started?
  • WHO Amendments Back from the Dead
  • The Bankrupting of Canada: Deficit
  • 3 Liberal Scandals in One Week
  • MPs Accused of Treason
  • Results of Our First Viewer Survey
  • Cross Canada Vaccine Injury Lawsuit Launched
  • Bad News for Gates’ Methane Vaccine
  • Green Energy Policies Found to Cause Global Warming
  • Liberals and NDP Want ‘Ecocide’ to be a Crime
  • ‘Human Body Activity’ Surveillance Patent
  • MAiD is Like Waterboarding: Victims Drown
  • Did the Globalists Cause the 2007 Financial Crisis?
  • Fauci Admits ‘No Science’ Behind Social Distancing Rules
  • Major Scientific Journal Publishes Study Proving Shot Deaths

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