IWR News for September 20th |
How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military

September 20, 2024

Kyle Kemper 1 final_Moment(3)
Protecting Your Financial Assets from Tyranny – Trudeau’s Brother Speaks | Kyle Kemper
Emergency Measures Act Content.00_02_48_09.Still001
The Real Story Behind the Emergency Measures Act – Iron Will on Everything
Dr Trozzi and Dr Alexander Final_Moment
The Coming Real Pandemic of the Vaccinated | Dr. Trozzi and Dr. Alexander
Nagase Pfizer trial final_Moment
Pfizer’s Own Stats: 1200+ Trial Participants Dead | Interview with Dr. Nagase
dr kilian featured image
“How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative”, asks Ontario ER doctor
Holding Government Accountable, US County Sheriff System | Sam Bushman, CSPOA Director
Defending Your Rights with Common Law | Ed Kallio, Lawyers4Truth
Dr. Mark Trozzi - impact to children_Moment
Protect Our Children from Harmful Injections | Interview with Dr. Mark Trozzi

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military
  • Trudeau Cabinet Continues to Abandon Ship
  • An Early Election is Not Likely
  • Foreign Interference in Canada
  • Special Report: Violence Against Women on the Rise
  • BC Imam Preaches Hatred of Jews and Christians
  • Google Announces Beta Test of Digital ID
  • Explosive Devices and the War in the Middle East
  • Moscow’s Drone Warfare and War-Weary Russia
  • WEF Calls for Increase to UN Powers
  • Health Minister Calls for Free Abortion Pills
  • Second Annual Million March for Children
  • Pope Invites LGBT Activists to Synod



Documentary: How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military:

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