IWR News for September 20th |
How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military

September 20, 2024

495 IWR Week of May 10
IWR News for May 10th:
Liberals Admit They Have “No Data” To Support Teen Trans Suicides
490 Rob Verkerk Pt 1 of 2
What Makes Us Sick: Terrain vs Germ Theory
Dr. Rob Verkerk
493 IWR Week of May 3rd
IWR News for May 3rd:
Canada’s First Prison City
489 Vanessa Dylan Covid Collateral
Covid Collateral: The Machinery of Mass Manipulation
Vanessa Dylan
487 Natasha Gonek Plandemic Tyranny
Plandemic Tyranny: When the Police Are the Victims
Natasha Gonek
492 IWR Week of April 26
IWR News for April 26th:
Hints That Trudeau May Call an Election This Year
486 Judith Brown The Ministry of Truth
The Ministry of Truth: Globalist Thought Control
Judith Brown
488 IWR Week of April 19
IWR News for April 19th:
The Globalist Metaverse: Their Plan for a Worldwide Digital Prison

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military
  • Trudeau Cabinet Continues to Abandon Ship
  • An Early Election is Not Likely
  • Foreign Interference in Canada
  • Special Report: Violence Against Women on the Rise
  • BC Imam Preaches Hatred of Jews and Christians
  • Google Announces Beta Test of Digital ID
  • Explosive Devices and the War in the Middle East
  • Moscow’s Drone Warfare and War-Weary Russia
  • WEF Calls for Increase to UN Powers
  • Health Minister Calls for Free Abortion Pills
  • Second Annual Million March for Children
  • Pope Invites LGBT Activists to Synod



Documentary: How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military:

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