IWR Weekly: Average Life Expectancy is Now 55 (EXCERPT)

May 5, 2023

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Violations of Our Charter Rights: An interview with Lawyers4Truth

In this week’s Iron Will Report:

  • Is Doug Ford intentionally gutting Ontario health?
  • The average life expectancy for those who have taken the shots is projected to drop to 55
  • Lawyer Leighton Grey is launching a new class action suit against the government over the vaccine mandates and you can be part of it.
  • The mass exodus from public schools to alternative education.
  • Statscan is hiding data again.
  • Artificial wombs might actually be a good thing.
  • And the woke finally get something right.
  • There are large amounts of DNA in both the Pfizer and Moderna vials.
  • Professor of Political Philosophy Julianne Romanello explains how the entire globalist agenda is encapsulated in 15 minute cities. In this week’s Iron Will Report: Fools o

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