Our Death Cult of a Country | Nicole Scheidl (EXCERPT)

February 7, 2023

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Canada leads the world in medical assistance in dying. In 2021, the most recent year for which we have figures, over 10,000 people in Canada received MAiD. That’s more than any other country in the world. For comparison, the state of California, with assisted suicide laws and a population very close to ours, killed just over 400 in the same year.

And it gets worse. In March of this year, it will likely become law that people who are suffering from mental illness, even just clinical depression, can qualify for MAiD. There are doctors and clinics in our country where assisted suicide is their entire practice, and people visiting food banks are now asking about MAiD as a way out of being poor.

Nicole Scheidl is the Executive Director of Physicians for Life, an organization dedicated to education and awareness of what one twitter user called ‘our death cult of a country’.

Nicole joins us today to discuss the problems facing our society in regards to suicide and serious concerns about the fact that our government is now proposing that MAiD be made available to what they call ‘mature minors’, children as young as fourteen. And likely without the consent or involvement of their parents.

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