Please Help Our Starfish | A Special Edition of Iron Will on Everything

February 7, 2022

Kat Lindley Children, Natural Immunity and the FDA FULL_Moment
Stop Making Our Children Canaries in the Coalmine | Dr. Kat Lindley
Interview with Kip Warner_Moment
Unlikely Heroes of Justice; Why We Are Stepping Up | Kip Warner, CSASPP
Kat Lindley Pharm and Vax injuries Thumbnail
Due Diligence Demolished; Is Repair Possible? | Dr. Kat Lindley
Scarlett Martyn United Health Care Workers_Moment(2)
The Creepy Code of Silence in Health Care | Scarlett Martyn
Charles Hoffe Vaccine Injuries_Moment
Healing Starts with the Terrible Truth; We Can’t Hide from the Damage | Dr. Charles Hoffe
Interview with Ken Drysdale Stats Can proves there is no pandemic_1_Moment
StatsCan Hoisted By Their Own Petard; Pandemic Does Not Exist | Ken Drysdale
Kate Lindley Monkeypox Thumbnail
True or False Game We’re Made to Play; Monkey Pox, Marburg and More | Dr. Katarina Lindley
Jane Ruby Blood Clots Still
Autopsies Find Mysterious Structures in Blood of Injected | Dr. Jane Ruby

Early last year my family took in a young friend of our son. She has since moved to Ontario to be with her birth family but I have stayed in contact with her. Please take five minutes to watch this video and help if you can. Also please share freely to your social media channels as well. Thank you.

– Iron Will


Link to Fundraising Campaign

Part 2 of Documentary (featuring Saylor)

Part 1 of Documentary (does not feature Saylor)


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