Replicon Vaccines: The Next Crime of the Century? |
Mark Trozzi, Byram Bridle, Neil Karrow, William Makis

October 23, 2024

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Three years ago, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche famously remarked that the Covid vaccines have a million different ways to kill you. So it is even more alarming that after years of irrefutable evidence of the truth of that statement, Big Pharma is now developing something that is potentially even more dangerous.

Replicon, or self-replicating mRNA injections, which are not only likely to amplify the countless adverse effects of these experimental gene therapies, but may even be designed to spread to the unvaccinated via shedding of the vaccine molecules themselves.

I have with me today a panel of four of the top experts in the world on mRNA harms.

The well-known immunologist Dr. Bryam Bridle, Dr. Neil Karrow, a man with more letters after his name than the alphabet has letters, cancer expert Dr. William Makis, and emergency doctor and truth warrior Dr. Mark Trozzi.

In this exhaustive interview this expert panel reveals the concerns about the soon-to-be-released Replicon vaccines, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself.

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