The Death of Justice: Have Our Courts Abandoned Us? |
Bath-Shéba van den Berg, Jennifer M. Miller, and Derek Sloan

March 20, 2025

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In the past few years many of us have become distrustful of our courts, and often with good reason. Violations of our rights were upheld under the COVID narrative, and to this day many courts are taking the ‘safe and effective’ mantra under judicial notice, which simply means that judges assume it to be true because the government says it is.

It is this kind of complacency on the part of the courts that has enabled the persecution of good doctors, such as Dr. Mark Trozzi, whose license was originally suspended and then eventually revoked by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for writing vaccine exemptions. And recently, the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld that decision, despite the fact that Dr. Trozzi’s lawyer was able to demonstrate that the CPSO did not follow correct procedure.

In B.C. recently, the College of Physicians and Surgeons dropped all charges against Dr. Charles Hoffe, restoring his right to practice. Dr. Hoffe has been subjected to the same persecution as Dr. Trozzi, and for the same reasons. He told his patients the truth and did his best to protect their health. We might hope that the College grew a conscience but it is far more likely that their decision to drop all charges just days before an evidentiary hearing against Dr. Hoffe was scheduled, was based on the fact that the court had already informed the College that they would not take safety and effectiveness of the vaccines under judicial notice.

There is no question our courts are no longer, in many cases at least, working in the best interests of the people. But are the courts themselves the problem or could it be something much more serious than that?

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