The Iron Will Weekly News Report | December 16, 2022

December 16, 2022

trudeau knows screen shot
Trudeau Knows
new years eve snapshot
Special New Year’s Eve Edition of The Iron Will Report
Angels donation aftermath
A Christmas Miracle: The Story of An Angel, Hope Wins Today
Snapshot - 114
5 Minute Christmas Eve Special | The Story of an Angel – Cathy Jacobs of Angel’s Café
Snapshot - 115
The Full Story of Angel’s Café – Interview with Cathy Jacobs
Exclusive! Frontline Tech Reveals High Number of Vaccine Injuries in Our Hospitals | Anonymous Interview with Lola
Lynne Nelson
A Common-Sense Crusade | Interview with Lynne Nelson, host of The Filthy Truth
Leighton Screenshot
Why the Courts Won’t Rule on the Violations of Our Rights | In depth & in person with Leighton Grey

In this week’s Iron Will report…

  • Patients Dying on Waiting Lists
  • Jagmeet and Trudeau May Be Breaking Up
  • Canada’s Florida
  • WHO and Bill Gates New Pandemic Exercise
  • Social Credit Scores Coming to Canada
  • Bill C-21 Disarming Canadians

And in the Members version all of the above PLUS…

  • 15 Minute City: Your Life in a Box
  • Money for Nothing – $2 Billion for Freeland
  • Gilligan’s Canada
  • Small Businesses Targeted – Again
  • Families Without Power for Refusing Smart Meters
  • Gender Confused Hockey Fights
  • High School Boy Who Fought For Girl’s Rights Suspended

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1 Our Sick Health Care System

Record Numbers of Patients Dying on Waiting Lists

More data about Canada’s ruin of a sick care system continues to surface. released its fourth Died on a Waiting List report this past Tuesday after gathering and analyzing government data on patients dying while waiting for surgery and diagnostic scans. The data shows waiting list deaths are at a four-year high since the organization began tracking this problem in 2018.

The data shows that over the past four years, there has been a 24% increase in surgical waiting list deaths. Information obtained from Ontario Health data shows an increase of over 400% when it comes to waiting list deaths for CT scans and MRI scans since 2015. Many of these scans would have been for the purpose of detecting cancer.

At least 13,581 patients across Canada died while waiting for surgeries, procedures and diagnostic scans from mid 2021 to mid 2022, up from the previous year’s total of just over 11,500.

The cases include a wide array of services – everything from hip operations and heart surgery to CT and MRI scans. Before dying on a waiting list, patients had waited anywhere from less than a month to over eight years.

Nova Scotia provided the most comprehensive data. They were able to note that of the 352 patients who died while waiting for surgery this past year, 28 were waiting for surgeries that could have potentially saved their lives.

2 Health Care Deal Breaker

Jagmeet and Trudeau May Be Breaking Up

You may recall that a few weeks ago I reported on the fact that an OECD study of 30 member nations found that Canada had the highest costs for health care, while delivering the worst performance. It seems that Jagmeet Singh knows this as he’s threatening to scrap his deal with Trudeau’s Liberals unless the health care system is improved.

The Supply and Confidence Agreement between the NDP and the Liberals is due to expire in 2025, but Jagmeet has said he may walk away from the deal early if the government doesn’t fix our health care system. Under the agreement, The NDP promised to protect the Liberals from confidence votes and support the Liberals’ fiscal policies.  In exchange, the Liberals promised to take action on NDP policies like climate change, affordable housing, childcare and health care.

I wouldn’t hold your breath, Jagmeet. I also reported recently on the fact that Turd’s federal government is threatening to withhold health care payments to provinces that refuse to hand over your private health care records. The premiers met last week to discuss this and other health care issues. Trudeau did not show up.

3 Canada’s Florida

Quebec and Alberta Challenging the Centralization of Power

Even if you don’t live in Alberta, Premier Danielle Smith’s Alberta Sovereignty Act may have a profound impact on your life. The Act may serve as a template for other provinces to do the same. Especially when mandates return and the federal government once again violates our Charter rights.

And now Quebec is getting involved in this constitutional fight. Early this month lawyers for the Canadian Constitution Foundation at the Supreme Court of Canada challenged the ‘Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, youth and families’. The case, which is also known as the Attorney General of Quebec v. the Attorney General of Canada, argues that portions of the Act are unconstitutional as quote the federal government appears to be directing the provincial executive and public service. The Attorney General of Quebec argues that sections dealing with national standards are invalid because the federal government cannot require a province to implement its law unless the province had a say in the passing of the law.

What this means is that under the constitution the federal government cannot unilaterally pass a law, then require provinces to enforce that law. The federal government can itself enforce the law, but the province is not required to provide any support or provincial assistance in doing so.

This is extremely important.

If the CCF wins the Quebec case, this will establish a precedent to support the constitutionality of the Alberta Sovereignty Act. But Smith is even smarter than that. She’s also moving to remove the RCMP from Alberta and replace them with a provincial police force.

So, if CCF wins their case, the Alberta Sovereignty Act is brought into play, and the RCMP is kicked out of Alberta, it won’t matter what laws the federal government passes, they will have no way to enforce them within the province without the consent and cooperation of the Alberta government. In short, Danielle Smith will have turned Alberta into Canada’s Florida.

And if all that happens, expect other provinces to follow suit, leading to the dismantling of the centralization of power within our country.

4 Catastrophic Contagion

WHO and Bill Gates New Pandemic Exercise

Listen closely to what Bill Gates says. He’s a megalomaniac who wants the world to view him as a prophet and a saviour, so he announces his plans well in advance. And now he’s given us the start date for the next pandemic, and even what it’s called. Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome or SERS 2025.

You all know about Event 201, the pandemic preparedness exercise conducted in October of 2019 by the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and several others. The Covid 19 pandemic was announced just weeks later.

Then in March of 2021 Bill organized another emergency preparedness exercise. This exercise simulated a start date for the monkeypox pandemic in mid May of this year. Remember when we first started hearing about Monkeypox? Mid May.

In October of this year, a new exercise titled Catastrophic Contagion took place in Belgium. Sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and Johns Hopkins University, in attendance were 10 current and former health ministers and public health officials from several African countries, Singapore, India and Germany. Also in attendance was former CDC director Tom Frieden, and Bill Gates himself.

The official website for the organization states, “The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.”

While no transcript of the exercise has been released, this new pandemic will be caused by an enterovirus which the Catastrophic Contagion website claims will infect billions and kill 20 million, three quarters of those children.

And why will it affect children and young people? Because that’s what enteroviruses do. They are a common virus among children, usually with mild symptoms, although polio is the best known enterovirus. Older people don’t get them because they have already developed an immunity. In short, they will disproportionately affect children because the globalists will use a modified virus that is designed to attack children. And sadly, children will die as their immune systems have been crippled by the shots, poor diet, isolation leading to a loss of natural immunities, and depression.

But it gets worse. In those rare cases where children get very sick from an enterovirus, they don’t usually die. As with polio, they may be partially paralyzed or develop meningitis resulting in permanent neurological damage. So if 15 million kids die, potentially hundreds of millions will end up crippled for life.

And conveniently, enterovirus is an mRNA virus and other than for polio, there is no existing vaccine. Which means they’ll push yet another mRNA shot on the public, but this time it will be aimed at children.

Protect your kids. Do not allow them to be injected, and if they’ve already had shots do not allow them to have any more. Get them exercising and put them on a healthy diet. The longer they spend building a healthy immune system the better their chances when these madmen launch the next phase of their attack in less than 3 years.

5 Agenda 2025?

Censorship and Social Credit Scores Coming to Canada

And why 2025? Because they need that long to be certain they control the message, and the people.

The social credit systems the globalists want to impose on us can be used to control not only what you access online, but even what you post. Here’s a clip from Australia’s News 9.

That video appeared on Rumble earlier this week but is from a show which aired in April of last year and appears to be the only story on the subject. No such bill was ever enacted in Australia, but that doesn’t mean they’re not considering such draconian censorship measures.

And here in Canada they’ve already tried once to restrict what you can post online. Remember how they tried to push through a social media censoring act last year as bill C-10. When it didn’t work they just brought it back as Bill C-11. And this time it will pass. The Liberals have stacked the Senate deck to make sure of that.

But what about Bill C-36? That bill did not pass its second reading in August of last year, but they’ll bring it back under a different name, just as they did with C-10. And what was bill C-36? An Act To Amend The Criminal Code, that threatens Facebook, Twitter and YouTube users suspected of posting content that promotes “detestation or vilification” with house arrest or $70,000 fines. So what’s defined as detestation or vilification? I read over the act. It doesn’t say. Convenient. So detestation or vilification means whatever they say it does at the time.

But the scope of Bill C-36 would have gone beyond just posts to Facebook and Youtube. The Department of Justice in a June 23 Backgrounder to Bill C-36 said it “would apply to public communications by individual users on the internet, including on social media, on personal websites and in mass emails,” blog posts, online news sites, “operators of websites that primarily publish their own content” and user comment sections.

User comment sections. That means you.

You can be sure that after they ram through Bill C-11 and legislate for themselves the right to control what you can see on your social media accounts, they’ll bring back Bill C-36.

C-11 gives them the right to throttle people like me by blocking your access to my content.

A Bill like C-36 will then be their next step. And you can be sure we’ll also soon see a bill like the one reported by Australian News that will restrict internet access for users based on a social credit score. Such a system already exists in China, which is being used by the globalists as the blueprint for totalitarian control around the world.

To find out how you can protect yourself from this, sign up for a free 15 day trial at Memberships are just 9.95 per month and provide access to my weekly counter narrative news reports as well as exclusive interviews. All funds raised at go toward supporting our fight at to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.

In this week’s member’s report at, protecting yourself from government censorship, Bill C-21 gives police the right to enter and search your home without a warrant, the globalist agenda to keep us locked down forever will launch a pilot project in the U.K., Chrystia Freeland makes a grab for 2 billion of our tax dollars, rising costs and falling house prices in Canada target the middle class, Canada Pension Plan premiums to go up in January and the impact this will have on small businesses, several families have their power cut off in winter for refusing smart meters, gender confused hockey fights, and the brave Ontario high school boy who was suspended for championing girl’s rights.

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