The Iron Will Weekly News Report | Nov. 4, 2022

November 4, 2022

557 Martin McDermott Teranet
Stolen Homes & Laundered Money: Ontario’s Teranet Scandal |
Martin McDermott
556 How Trudeau Burned Jasper
How Trudeau Burned Jasper: Parks Canada’s Criminal Negligence |
Ken Hodges, RPF & Emile Begin, RPF
558 Week of October 25
IWR News for October 25th |
Canada’s Next PM: Poilievre or Carney?
Replicon Vaccines: The Next Crime of the Century?
Replicon Vaccines: The Next Crime of the Century? |
Mark Trozzi, Byram Bridle, Neil Karrow, William Makis
555 Week of October 18
IWR News for October 18th |
Apple Watch’s New Flu & COVID Predictor: Innovation or Privacy Invasion?
552 Stockwell Day How We Save Canada
How We Save Canada |
Stockwell Day
551 Lisa Miron Famine by Design
Famine by Design: How They’re Going to Destroy our Food Supply |
Lisa Miron
553 IWR Week of October 11
IWR News for October 11th |
Did Trudeau Burn Jasper? Allegations of Federal Mismanagement

In this week’s free version of the Iron Will Report:

  • Government caught lying by the POEC
  • Bill C-11 passes second reading despite opposition
  • EU signs on to WHO pandemic treaty
  • Why some escape vaccine injury
  • Finally, a real scientific debate on Covid
  • A possible treatment for the vaccine injured

And in the member’s only version at, all of the above PLUS:

  • Chinese Disneyland closes – with thousands trapped inside
  • Gattaca style genetic tampering on the horizon
  • Gas cars being outlawed around the world
  • PayPal backpedals on their backpedal
  • Bank of Canada helping to plan global CBDCs
  • Menstrual products in men’s bathrooms soon to be law
  • U.S. funds Ecuadorian drag queens

Posted in

Testimony at the Public Order Emergency Commission, the investigation into Trudeau’s use of the emergency measures act last February, has revealed some major contradictions in the government’s official story.

Trudeau claimed that police forces including the RCMP were calling for the use of the EMA in order to clear out the truckers. As I revealed in a previous episode of this report, that has since been denied by both the then Ottawa chief of police, and by Brenda Lucki, the RCMP commissioner.

During the Freedom Convoy and the use of the EMA, Trudeau claimed that truckers were blockading downtown streets, but the commission has heard testimony from police that any barriers blocking roads were put in place by police, and that truckers willingly moved their trucks to less obtrusive locations when asked to by Ottawa police.

Safety Minister Marco Mendocino claimed in February that the act was needed for police to tow trucks away. Now retired Chief Superintendent Carson Pardy of the Ontario Provincial Police, when questioned by the commission on whether or not police needed the EMA to tow vehicles responded with a blunt ‘No’.

Ottawa interim police chief Steve Bell and others claimed the truckers were violent and dangerous. However when questioned under oath by lawyers for the convoy Chief Bell testified that he hadn’t meant literal violence, but rather quote Not the Criminal Code definition of violence but the violence they felt by having excessive horns blared, by having trucks run 24/7.

So noise is now defined as violence? Does that mean we can charge Turd with assault every time he opens his mouth?

In other testimony, Superintendent Patrick Morris, commander of the Intelligence Bureau of the OPP testified that he was shocked by how peaceful the protest was. He said under oath quote “The lack of violent crime was shocking,” “I mean, even in the arrest and charges considering the whole thing in totality.” “I want to be clear on this,” said Superintendent Morris. “We produced no intelligence to indicate these individuals would be armed. There has been a lot of hyperbole around that.”

It was during this clearly peaceful and orderly, even dare I say it, stereotypically Canadian polite demonstration that Mendocino claimed that downtown Ottawa was in a state of disorder, saying it was quote Completely lawless. Mendocino went on to say It’s difficult to overstate the impact of those scenes, the conduct that has unfolded by those participating in illegal blockades.

Blockades of what? Stopping overheight kids from using the bouncy castles?

As if all of the aforementioned outright lies wasn’t enough, the government and police have been caught fabricating ‘misinformation’.

The Ottawa Police Service distributed a memo falsely claiming the freedom convoy was funded by foreign terrorist organizations and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair on February 16th claimed that the convoy was quote a largely foreign funded, targeted and coordinated attack which was clearly criminally intended to harm Canada, but Juan Benitez, president of GoFundMe, who froze the 10 million dollars that had been donated to the convoy testified last March that only 12 percent of the donations came from outside of Canada, that the vast majority of the money was donated by Canadians in small amounts and that they could find no evidence of large foreign contributions.

Here is Freedom Convoy organizer Brigette Belton with some of her statements to the Commission.

Well said, Bridgette. For those of you who missed it I last interviewed Bridgette on March 1st. She was in hiding at the time, as the government was arresting Freedom Convoy organizers.

Both Trudeau and Mendocino are slated to be questioned by the commission. I’ll keep you posted.


Our government continues to work toward complete control of the message. Bill C-11, the censorship bill that was tried last year and failed, has now passed its second reading in the Senate, already having been approved by Parliament. Senators voted 49 to 19 in favor of the bill, which ostensibly is to place Canadian Youtube content under the control of the CRTC. However Senators who voted against the bill and members of the Conservative opposition have pointed out that it is a sweeping bill with the power to control what you can view online.

The bill will now move to its third and final reading, although the date for that has yet to be announced. When it is you can bet the government will give us as little notice as possible.

If there’s any doubt over what this bill is really for, even Twitter representatives have opposed it, releasing a statement which reads quote “The proposal by the government of Canada to allow the Digital Safety Commissioner to block websites is drastic. People around the world have been blocked from accessing Twitter and other services in a similar manner as the one proposed by Canada by multiple authoritarian governments (China, North Korea, and Iran, for example) under the false guise of ‘online safety’ impeding peoples’ rights to access information online.”

You know our government has gone completely off the rails when they are being criticized by twitter for censorship.

Former CRTC commissioner Timothy Denton has spoken out in opposition to the bill. It seems he’s familiar with how our government works. Denton pointed out that Dr. Michael Geist, a law professor at the University of Ottawa and the research chair in internet and ecommerce law has revealed that the bill is already being discussed by the Senate committee for possible amendments, which in case it’s not clear, means extending its power.

Should this bill pass you may find that searching for our sites, and will either yield no results, or your internet service provider will block your access.

I was a web developer before I was a freedom fighter. I’ll be releasing a short instructional video in the near future on how you can get around their censorship, should it occur, not just for our sites but for anything they try to block your access to. It’s easy once you know how. In the meantime, if you haven’t already sign up for our newsletter at Strong And Free Canada. As long as we have your email, we can reach you with the truth.


I’ve said in the past that we must not be geocentric in our focus. It’s a mistake to look only at what is happening in our own country, as events abroad are often warning signs of what is coming here. Canada has either led the way in violations of our rights, or at least been in lockstep with other totalitarian regimes. In my last report I played a clip of Trudeau essentially promising that mandates are coming back this fall. It bears repeating, so here it is again.

Despite some of the excellent and penetrating questions that were asked by European politicians at the recent EU Covid Commission Hearings, The European Union has publicly declared their commitment to the continued use of lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine passports and other restrictions this coming winter, and also to participating in the WHO’s global pandemic treaty, essentially giving the WHO complete control over European nations and their people.

The EU statement went on to say that these measures, would, in future, not be limited to just Covid but to influenza as well. The stated first line of defense would be mandatory masks, which don’t work, followed by lockdowns, which succeed only in impoverishing people, followed by school closures, which destroy our children’s education and socialization and of course, mandatory clot shots, which kill, maim and sterilize.

You can be sure Canada will be right behind.


Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist who is widely recognized as an expert on the cancers being caused by the so-called vaccines, revealed at the Better Way Conference sponsored by the World Council for Health why some people who got jabbed suffered no side effects.

He hypothesizes that some clinics failed to keep the vials at the required temperature of minus 80 degrees Celsius. By allowing the vials to warm before injecting people, the lipid nanoparticle shells broke down causing the mRNA strands themselves to disintegrate. Dr. Cole said that the resulting injection from these warmed vials amounts to people being injected with harmless mush.

So if you got mush, count yourself lucky.




For those of you who have been calling for over two years now for an actual scientific debate between the opposing sides of the Covid narrative, it looks like it’s finally going to happen. And you can watch live for less than 10 dollars.

On November 15 Dr. Jay Bhattacharya will debate with Dr. Sten Vermund, professor of public health and pediatrics at the Yale School of Medicine. Dr. Vermund is actively engaged in advising public health policy in the U.S. and is a supporter of the Covid measures.

Dr. Bhattacharya is a professor of Medicine at Stanford, one of the original signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration and a frequent witness for the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms. Dr. Bhattacharya is an expert in the economics of health care and extremely well educated in the harms caused by the Covid mandates.

You can register at Eventbrite.


If you or someone you know has been vaccine injured you may want to try a 3 day fast to repair the damage.

During a talk at a recent health care conference in Sedona, Arizona, Dr. Henry Ealy, a naturopathic physician explained how he believes the cellular process of autophagy could heal damage from the Covid shots. Autophagy is the process whereby cells break down their own internal organelles and either replace them, or turn them into raw materials for new cells. This cellular recycling, says Dr. Ealy, could cause the cells of those injured by the vaccines to replace damaged parts with healthy new ones.

However cells don’t usually enter the autophagy cycle, as it’s a lower priority biologically than the digestion of fuel and nutrients to power ongoing cell processes.

Autophagy can be triggered by fasting though. If the cells have no nutrients to process, they will then naturally enter a state of autophagy. It is theorized that this is one of the benefits of intermittent fasting, as the body is regularly put into a fasting state, which causes cell regeneration through autophagy.

Dr. Ealy recommends a three day fast with no food or calories whatsoever, drinking only water. It can’t hurt.

There are some researchers though who doubt that this would help. To find out why, sign up for a 15 day free trial at to watch this entire report. Memberships are just 9.95 per month and all funds raised go toward supporting our fight at StrongAndFreeCanada to recover and defend our rights and freedoms.

In this week’s members’ report at, Shanghai’s Disneyland is now a Covid prison camp, the sci fi genetic engineering movie Gattaca may soon be reality, gas powered cars are being outlawed around the world by 2035, PayPal renews their censorship of non-woke users, the bank of Canada is working toward Central Bank Digital Currencies, the Canadian government is legislating menstrual products in men’s bathrooms, and the US state department’s new definition of foreign aid.

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