The Long-Haul Legal Flight Takes Off | Matt Sattler and Umar Sheikh

August 16, 2022

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  • Why is FreetoFly’s lawsuit a legal campaign?
  • What are the major obstacles in this fight?
  • What the creative strategies are being used?
  • What are the most glaring safety threats in the aviation industry?
  • How have airline unions crashed their integrity?
  • What does this legal battle mean for other unions?

Matt Sattler is a pilot and representative of FreetoFly – “Canadian aviation professionals standing with passengers in defence of freedom”

Umar Sheikh is the legal representative for FreetoFly. He is also the former CEO of the B.C. Nurses’ Union. He served as their head of negotiations and strategic development when a collaborative agreement was made to amend mandates that forced B.C. nurses to either be vaccinated for the flu or wear a mask.


Umar Sheikh on Twitter

FreetoFly Legal Campaign

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