Trudeau Knows

January 3, 2022

495 IWR Week of May 10
IWR News for May 10th:
Liberals Admit They Have “No Data” To Support Teen Trans Suicides
490 Rob Verkerk Pt 1 of 2
What Makes Us Sick: Terrain vs Germ Theory
Dr. Rob Verkerk
493 IWR Week of May 3rd
IWR News for May 3rd:
Canada’s First Prison City
489 Vanessa Dylan Covid Collateral
Covid Collateral: The Machinery of Mass Manipulation
Vanessa Dylan
487 Natasha Gonek Plandemic Tyranny
Plandemic Tyranny: When the Police Are the Victims
Natasha Gonek
492 IWR Week of April 26
IWR News for April 26th:
Hints That Trudeau May Call an Election This Year
486 Judith Brown The Ministry of Truth
The Ministry of Truth: Globalist Thought Control
Judith Brown
488 IWR Week of April 19
IWR News for April 19th:
The Globalist Metaverse: Their Plan for a Worldwide Digital Prison

Trudeau, Tam, Health Canada, the provincial health officers and NACI have all known since April 2021 that the vaccines are killing and permanently injuring the Canadian people at far higher rates than COVID.

Through threats of firings and loss of freedom they are intentionally forcing people to their deaths. By approving the vaccine for children they are now killing and injuring kids.

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