Unsporting: ‘Trans’ Men in Women’s Sports: Linda Blade

September 6, 2023

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Women’s sport is under attack by the woke left. Men in women’s locker rooms. Men who ‘identify’ as women playing in women’s sports. Boys playing on girl’s teams.

Linda Blade is the founder of the ICFS, the International Consortium on Female Sports, and she’s right here in Canada, one of the world’s most heavily affected countries. Linda was a competitive track and field athlete and coach and has a Doctorate in Kinesiology. She is also the co-author of the best selling book Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport.

In this interview, Linda reveals how widespread the practice of allowing biological men to undermine women’s sport has become, and the fact that the agenda goes back much farther than most of us realize. She provides facts and statistics to demonstrate how unsporting it is to allow men to compete against women. And she makes the very valid point that it is the woke left who accuse the right of being misogynistic, who are in fact practicing what Linda refers to as ‘progressive misogyny’ by excluding biological women from being competitive in their own sports.


International Consortium on Female Sports

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