10 Years in Prison: Artur & Nathaniel Pawlowski

August 9, 2023

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Pastor Artur Pawlowski is a man to be silenced. At least in the opinion of our government. And for the past 18 years they have been trying to do just that. Threats. Bribes. Imprisonment.

But none of those have worked. Pastor Art refuses to stop practicing his faith. He feeds the poor at his street ministries. He helps junkies and hookers get off the street. And he continues to preach the truth.

Raised in communist Poland, Pastor Pawlowski is well acquainted with tyranny and corruption. But the tyranny he faced in Poland pales in comparison to what is happening now, here, in Canada. A supposedly democratic country, the Charter of which guarantees all Canadians certain rights, including the right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

In July, Pastor Artur Pawlowski was found guilty of ‘inciting mischief’. On August 9th he will be sentenced.

To up to ten years in prison.

In what may be his last interview before that sentencing. Pastor Art is joined by his adult son, Nathaniel Pawlowski, who recently completed a degree in Criminal Justice, and who is fighting for his country alongside his father.

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