A University Student Speaks Out : ‘We’re Being Robbed of the Education We Paid For’

November 30, 2021

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Cassidy Odgers is an 18 year old university student who moved to the city from her small town to attend, only to be informed a week before classes that they would be online. Now she’s being told that even if classes continue online, she’ll be expelled if she doesn’t get the ‘vaccine’. Cassidy wrote an open letter which eloquently expresses the frustration of her generation.

On the impact of the Covid tyrannies on our youth…

“Everyone at this point, especially the kids who just turned 18; they’re not going to have a normal young adult life. A lot of people are upset about that and they just want someone to blame, so they blame the people who are ‘spreading the virus’.”

On moving to attend university…

“My classes were supposed to be in person. I was really excited to go. I wanted to feel like a university student. And then the week before classes started they announced that classes were online. So looking at the big picture I moved here for nothing. The classes I’m taking – it’s all pre-recorded. It doesn’t even feel like university.”

On the universities’ tyrannical mandates…

“If you’re caught on campus without being double-vaxxed there are consequences. Fines and expulsion.”

On how many students are refusing the ‘vaccines’…

“There are quite a few. The universities have led everyone to believe that this is what the students want. This is what students will keep them safe but that’s not true. I’m in a huge Discord group with hundreds of students from different schools, most of them U. of C.”

On the quality of online education…

Will: “Do you feel like you’re getting an education?”

Cassidy: “No. I do not.”


The University Discord Group

Cassidy’s Open Letter

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