Famine by Design: How They’re Going to Destroy our Food Supply |
Lisa Miron

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Among the many attacks upon our rights, our freedoms, and our future being perpetrated by the globalists, the greatest threat to our health and freedom is the attack upon our food supply.

The science fiction author Robert Heinlein is often credited with having said, “Any society is only 3 meals away from revolution”.
By destroying our capacity to grow food, and by controlling food supply chains, the globalists create instability. And that instability is their lever for control.

Most of you are aware of Event 201, which took place in the fall of 2019 in New York City, where globalist entities planned the Covid narrative. But there have been other exercises, other planning sessions, which most of us have never heard of.

Ontario lawyer Lisa Miron was recently on my show with an expose of Bill C-293, our government’s so-called Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, where Lisa revealed the planned legislation that will bring Canada fully on board with the WHO’s draconian One Health Initiative. Lisa and others have been working very hard to stop this bill and we can only hope they will succeed.

But now Lisa joins me again to reveal the globalist’s agenda and timeline to destroy our food security.

In 2015, the U.N. sponsored Food Chain Reaction, an ‘exercise’ in which representatives from governments around the world met to plan how they will reduce global food output and in the process give the U.N. dictatorial power, in much the same way that plandemics are being used to increase the power of the WHO. Food Chain Reaction set out a four step plan, beginning in 2020 and running to 2030.

This interview is different from most that I do. It is more of a discussion between Lisa and myself, because in the coming months, Lisa and I will be working together to produce my first documentary, which will be a full expose of Food Chain Reaction, the ‘predictions’ they have made that have already happened, most of them right on cue with the outline which came out of the Food Chain Reaction sessions, and more importantly the ones which have not yet happened.

This documentary, which we hope to release before the end of this year, will give you the timeline of what the globalists are planning, and in the process, leave you forewarned and forearmed, so you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family.

You can consider this interview, as informal as it is, as Lisa and I sometimes break into a discussion of our plans for the documentary, as a preview, not just of the documentary itself, but of the nefarious plans the globalists have to create revolution through food insecurity.

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