Global Warming Lie: The Real Data | Tom Harris (EXCERPT)

March 14, 2023

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For decades now mainstream media and climate alarmists have been telling us that manmade emissions are going to cause a runaway greenhouse effect. They claim that ‘the science is settled’, and further, that 97% of scientists agree. Tom Harris has a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, with specialties in thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, two of the disciplines most qualified to assess our coming extinction via environmental disaster. Tom worked as an engineer for the National Research Council. As a lecturer at university, he taught climate change to 1500 students. For many years Tom was an advocate for the global warming movement, until another professor showed him some data that made him question. Since then Tom has been working hard to spread the truth about manmade global warming. And the simple truth is, it’s a lie.

Tom joins me today with the real data on climate change, and proves that not only is manmade global warming a complete myth, but that the actions which are being taken by governments around the world to save us all from this non-existent threat could in fact result in severe environmental repercussions. Mr. Harris gives us the real data which shows that a new ice age may not be more than a thousand years away, and shares his concerns that attempts to address the global warming lie could in fact result in that new ice age starting, not in a thousand years, but before the end of this century. Indeed, as the global warming alarmists claim, we are running out of time to wake people up.

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