It’s Not Over; They’re Just Reloading Their Guns | Dr. Mark Trozzi

October 24, 2022

516 IWR Week of June 28
IWR News for June 28th |
Canada’s Coming Digital ID
510 The Criminal Persecution of Detective Helen Grus
The Criminal Persecution of Detective Helen Grus
Donald Best
Countdown to WW3 NATO vs BRICS June 25
BRICS (the anti-NATO alliance) and WW3
Special Report
509 Steve Kirsch $5Million Dollars
$5 Million Prize: Disprove Vaccine-Autism Link
Steve Kirsch
514 IWR Week of June 21st
IWR News for June 21st
Giving Away Canada: Natural Born Soon to be a Minority
508 Spitters Wade Keane Countdown to Crisis
Countdown to Crisis: The Coming Economic Collapse
Warren Keane, Adrian Spitters, and Bryce Wade
503 Peter Merrick Federal Budget
Federal Budget Exposed: The Bankrupting of Canada
Peter J. Merrick
511 IWR Week of June 14
IWR News for June 14th: Special Report
Fake News – The False EU Elections Narrative

Our partner, Dr. Mark Trozzi presents his views on what is coming, how we can prepare, and how we ultimately escape the globalist agenda.

  • Will there be more variants?
  • Will there be more mandates?
  • Why has the government backed off for now?
  • When will this truly be over?

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