Lies, AI and Health Tyranny |
Steve Kirsch

September 15, 2024

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Among the many concerns of Canadians, both on the right and on the left, there is no concern greater than not being able to tell what is true and what is not.

With AI technology deep fake images and videos now look so real that not even the experts can tell the difference. Added to this is the proliferation of AI search engines which are programmed to lie to you on many subjects.

However, researcher Steve Kirsch, the co-inventor of the optical mouse and a data analysis specialist recently succeeded in getting Gemini, Google’s AI search engine, to tell the truth, in detail, about the many harms of the Covid injections.

Steve has also continued his campaign to investigate all available data and find the truth of just how extensive those harms are.

Steve joins me today to explain how he got Gemini to reveal the truth, as though it were a witness under oath in a courtroom, and to provide some very sobering data on the millions of people who are being killed and maimed by these injections.


Google AI Admits the Truth:

Czech Republic Data on Vaccine Lethality Comparison:

New Zealand All Cause Mortality Data:

Proof Flu and Covid Vaccines Don’t Work:

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