Protect Our Children from Harmful Injections | Interview with Dr. Mark Trozzi

March 8, 2022

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Dr. Trozzi was an emergency room doctor in Ontario who took a sabbatical to dedicate his time to researching all facets of the coronavirus known as SARS-COV-2. He returns to discuss the impacts this injection has on our children; how our immune system develops in our early years and the long term impacts these mandates have on our children. 

On the risks of myocarditis, a side effect of the injections…

Any way you look at it you are killing cells within the heart and they don’t come back – 20% of the people with myocarditis are dead 6.5 years after they get it so there is no minor myocarditis. That’s a crime right there in that the doctors are being instructed to call this vaccine induced myocarditis as though there was some difference between that and myocarditis. It’s a long-term problem. What a terrible thing to do to young athletes; young athletes with a great heart. Your heart is super loaded with ACE 2 receptors, but if you want to be on the soccer-team we’re going to inject you and have your own cells pump you full of spike protein that are going to stick to those ACE 2 receptors on your heart. And it’s a poison.

On how a child’s immune system develops…

First off, the virus attaches through its spike protein; which attaches to specific cell receptors called ACE 2. These receptors are higher in some places and lower in others. In teenagers, ACE 2 receptors are very high in the heart. That’s why you have so much heart disease when they become victimized by the injection. ACE 2 receptors that normally engage a cold or a Coronavirus do so in the upper respiratory tract. That’s why you don’t catch a cold through your eyeball or in your bloodstream. Generally, the upper airway is the place that a coronavirus like SARS COV 2 virus attaches to ACE 2 receptors. And from there begins the process of the virus trying to infect and the immune system defending, which generally works very well.

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