Resilience to the Threat of Immune Disturbance | Dr. Rob Verkerk

July 26, 2022

331 BC Top Judge Conflict of Interest
B.C. Top Judge Caught in Conflict of Interest | Kip Warner
341 IWR for April 7
IWR Weekly: Code Zero : No Ambulances Available (EXCERPT)
333 Canada's Covid Prelude to Total War1
Canada’s COVID: Prelude to Total War | Professor Cooper (EXCERPT)
338 IWR for March 31st PAID
Wholesale Treason: The Iron Will Report for the Week of March 31st (EXCERPT)
329 Record Paramedic Deaths in Canada
Record Paramedic Deaths in Canada | Bob Dubroy
332 IWR for week of March 24
IWR Weekly: Titanic Banks Sink | Losses Exceed Insurance (EXCERPT)
326 Tom Harris Alarmist Culture (1)
The Global Warming Religion: An Inside View | Tom Harris (EXCERPT)
325 Dougles Farrow 15 Minute Cities
15 Minute Cities: Human Corrals | Douglas Farrow (EXCERPT)

Join us to discover:

  • How do we face the immune disturbance?
  • How do we reverse engineer the narrative?
  • How are c-19 variant evolution and resilience related?
  • What about more serious diseases (like Marburg) in the immune disturbed?
  • What is metabolic flexibility?


Rob’s website

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