The Tyranny of the Minority: Rhonda Jubenville & Michael Alexander

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Freedom of speech in our country is becoming a thing of the past. Cancel culture is in full force, seeking to silence anyone who raises, not just dissenting opinions, but increasingly, anyone who refuses to actively promote the causes of the radical left.

I recently became aware of a case in Ontario of a city councillor who merely suggested that, as the city could not honor all the special interest groups with their own flag, flags should be restricted only to those which truly represent all constituents, those beings specifically the Canadian flag, the Ontario flag, and the flag of her municipality, Chatham-Kent.

For this, Councillor Rhonda Jubenvillle was threatened on social media, and under the authority of the Ford government appointed Integrity Commissioner, sentenced to docking of three months pay – the maximum penalty the Commissioner can impose.

Rhonda is being represented by Michael Alexander, the same lawyer who has been defending Drs. Trozzi, Luchkiw and Phillips against the criminal actions of the CPSO.

In this interview, Rhonda gives us the full story, a story so shocking an example of cancel culture it left me speechless. Michael also describes how the actions of the commissioner and the council were in fact illegal.

But none of that matters, as we as Canadians, now live in country that is controlled by the tyranny of the minority.

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