Trudeau Knows

January 3, 2022

353 IWR for week of May 26
IWR Weekly: Why Walmart Stayed Open
345 Beyond the Reset animated film
Beyond the Reset: 1.5 Million Views | Oleg Kuznetsov
346 Fact Checking the Fact Checkers
Fact Checking the Fact Checkers | Dr. Judith Brown (Excerpt)
347 Julianne Romanello 15 Minute Cities 2 of 2
15 Minute Cities: Human Corrals | Julianne Romanello, Part 2
347 Julianne Romanello 15 Minute Cities 1 of 2
15 Minute Cities | Julianne Romanello, Part 1
351 Special Report The Doomsday Chart
Special Report: The Doomsday Chart and the Globalist Agenda
349 Mark Trozzi Deadly DNA Found in Vials Part 2
DNA in the Vials Proves It’s a Bioweapon | Dr. Trozzi, Part 2 (EXCERPT)
350 IWR for week of May 5
IWR Weekly: Average Life Expectancy is Now 55 (EXCERPT)

Trudeau, Tam, Health Canada, the provincial health officers and NACI have all known since April 2021 that the vaccines are killing and permanently injuring the Canadian people at far higher rates than COVID.

Through threats of firings and loss of freedom they are intentionally forcing people to their deaths. By approving the vaccine for children they are now killing and injuring kids.

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