Trudeau Knows

January 3, 2022

332 IWR for week of March 24
IWR Weekly: Titanic Banks Sink | Losses Exceed Insurance (EXCERPT)
326 Tom Harris Alarmist Culture (1)
The Global Warming Religion: An Inside View | Tom Harris (EXCERPT)
325 Dougles Farrow 15 Minute Cities
15 Minute Cities: Human Corrals | Douglas Farrow (EXCERPT)
328 IWR for week of Mar 17th Featured Image
IWR Weekly: Of Pets and Pigs | The WHO One Health Agenda
324 Tom Harris
Global Warming Lie: The Real Data | Tom Harris (EXCERPT)
IWR Weekly: It’s About Consent, Stupid
322 Kari Simpson Full Interview (59.39) MEMBERS_Moment
Bill C-27: Chinese-Style Totalitarianism | Kari Simpson
321 300 Million per Year in Title Fraud
$300 Million a Year: Title Fraud in Ontario | Martin McDermott

Trudeau, Tam, Health Canada, the provincial health officers and NACI have all known since April 2021 that the vaccines are killing and permanently injuring the Canadian people at far higher rates than COVID.

Through threats of firings and loss of freedom they are intentionally forcing people to their deaths. By approving the vaccine for children they are now killing and injuring kids.

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