Your Rights Under the Charter: Brian Peckford, sole surviving architect of the Charter

October 27, 2021

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*For the parts on the Charter, skip to the 54:00 minute mark.

Mr. Brian Peckford is the sole surviving architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, served as the third premier of Newfoundland under the PC party from 1979 until his retirement in 1989 and is the author of the 2012 best-selling book Someday The Sun Will Shine and Have Not Will Be No More.

On the betrayal of the Canadian people by our governments…

“They have abdicated their role from being servants of the people, to being masters of the people.”

On corruption in our government…

“This was a cabal, centered in the Prime Minister’s office, the privy council office, who actually obstructed justice, and most of them should be in jail.”

On the Charter of Rights and Freedoms…

“There’s no question that what the Charter stands for is to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual and supercedes everything else and in the present context we have our governments passing regulations and laws which violate those provisions. If some government is going to override these rights and freedoms they must demonstrably justify this with reasonable limits by law that exist within a free and democratic society. Not one government, the federal government, the governments of the provinces and the territories have demonstrably justified [the violations of our rights and freedoms].”

On holding the traitors in our government accountable…

“[Their actions] lead one to believe that the courts and the governments are very nervous, because they know this is a Pandora’s box where the Centre for Constitutional Freedoms and other freedom loving organizations are going to go to court and they’re going to bring [the experts] and make a travesty of the things the governments have done.”


Someday The Sun Will Shine and Have Not Will Be No More

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