“First, Do No Harm” OR “Adverse Events are Collateral Damage” | Dr. Rob Verkerk

July 21, 2022

How to Launch a Micro-School | Jeanette Eastin and Tabitha Chapman-Marson
Taking Back Your Right to Fly | Greg Hill – Free to Fly
Brian Peckford on the lifting of travel restrictions_Moment
A Suspension, Not a Cancellation | Brian Peckford
The Future of SAFC - Iron Will on Everything June 13_Moment
The Future of Strong And Free Canada | Iron Will on Everything
Dr. Trozzi 5
How the Covid Vaccines Cripple the Immune System | Part 5 of 5: Vaccine Induced AIDS
P4 Antibody Mediated Selection Final_Moment
How the Covid Vaccines Cripple the Immune System | Part 4 of 5: Antibody Mediated Selection
The Truth Shall Set Us Free | Leighton Grey
Vincent Gircys Ontario Party Final_Moment
Accountability and Giving Power Back to the Voters – The Ontario Party | Vincent Gircys

Join us as we answer:

  • What are the invisible signals not yet seen?
  • How is the healthcare business killing itself (with lack of PV)?
  • How is Africa the control group for the world’s largest experiment?
  • What is spike protein disease?
  • What are the risks to fertility posed by the c-19 shots?


Adverse Reaction Data

Rob’s website


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