“First, Do No Harm” OR “Adverse Events are Collateral Damage” | Dr. Rob Verkerk

July 21, 2022

Perspectives on the War from a Canadian Living in the Ukraine | Interview with Frank Williams
How We Could Stop the Great Reset Cold in Canada | Interview with Nicole LeBrasseur
Censorship Wasn’t Enough – Now They Want to Dictate What We MUST Say | Karen Selick
Iron Will Report Intro.00_09_50_08.Still001
Iron Will on Everything: The Next Major Step in the Globalist’s Plan – Hundreds of Millions Will Die
The Bill the People of Canada Actually Need Passed | Juscha Grunther
Kyle Kemper 2 final_Moment
Reimagining an Authentic Democracy: DAO – Decentralized Autonomous Organizations – Trudeau’s Brother Speaks | Kyle Kemper
Kyle Kemper 1 final_Moment(3)
Protecting Your Financial Assets from Tyranny – Trudeau’s Brother Speaks | Kyle Kemper
Emergency Measures Act Content.00_02_48_09.Still001
The Real Story Behind the Emergency Measures Act – Iron Will on Everything

Join us as we answer:

  • What are the invisible signals not yet seen?
  • How is the healthcare business killing itself (with lack of PV)?
  • How is Africa the control group for the world’s largest experiment?
  • What is spike protein disease?
  • What are the risks to fertility posed by the c-19 shots?


Adverse Reaction Data

Rob’s website


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