How to Reach People on the Other Side | Vincent Gircys

June 22, 2022

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Vincent Gircys is an OPP veteran with 32 years of service in emergency response, a member of Police4Freedom, and the recent Ontario Party candidate for Niagara-Centre. Vincent returns today to speak at length using his experience in conducting interrogations and as an expert witness, on how best to reach people who still choose to remain asleep in response to the globalist agenda and our failing system.

On Establishing a Method of Inception ….

It has to be a question that you have pre-packaged. And when I say pre-packaged, it means you have rehearsed and found a way to introduce that question by rehearsing it…so that when the time comes, when the door is open, you’ve already got your talking points planned and bang, you throw it out.

On Knowing the Facts ….

If you want to talk about that subject, then know that subject, know it really well, and be able to articulate those points. If somebody’s talking to me on an issue, using that as an example, if they can continue to articulate their points, I’ll continue to stay engaged.

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