IWR News for May 3rd:
Canada’s First Prison City

May 3, 2024

dr trozzi message graphic
A Succinct Summary of Covid Tyranny, by Dr. Mark Trozzi
Snapshot - 12
“The FDA Has Become an Arm of Pfizer”, Interview with Dr. Jane Ruby
jccf policing the pandemic featured image
Policing the Pandemic: The Police State of Canada
interview featured image Patrick Phillips
Almost All People Getting the ‘Vaccines’ Are Being Coerced
interview featured image Jeff Matheson
83% of First-Trimester Women Miscarry After Getting the Jab
interview with rob anders featured image
How We Broke Politics in Canada: And How We Fix It
interview featured image mark trozzi
‘Vaccine’ Dependency: How the Covid ‘Vaccines’ Create New Variants
inteview featured images stephen malthouse
It is Illegal to Advertise Vaccines in Canada: How Dr. Malthouse is Going After Offenders

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Remote Quebec City Requires ID to Leave
  • CAF Going Door to Door to Conduct ‘Wellness’ Checks
  • Liberals Hike Debt Ceiling; Second Time in 3 Years
  • Canada Has Fastest Growing Population of G7 – by a Wide Margin
  • Parent’s Rights in Canada Fact Sheet Now Available
  • Canadians Can’t Afford to Live in Canada
  • Lies of DEI Exposed
  • Big Pharma Censorship Strategies Revealed
  • Canada’s Vaccine Injury Budget Will Fall Far Short
  • Whistle Blower Reveals Mass Murder in Hospitals
  • B.C. to Re-Illegalize Hard Drugs, but Ottawa May Not Cooperate
  • Ontario Students Get Full Marks for Doing Nothing
  • WEF Report Says 98% of Central Banks Ready for CBDCs
  • Conservatives Appeal to Oxford to Add ‘Trudeauing’ to Dictionary


Parent’s Rights Fact Sheet: https://strongandfreecanada.org/fact-sheet-parents-rights-2/

DEI Lie Exposed: https://econjwatch.org/File+download/1296/GreenHandMar2024.pdf?mimetype=pdf

Big Pharma Censorship: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-vast-pharmaceutical-conspiracy

CHD WhistleBlower Interview: https://rumble.com/v4pnnju-medical-coder-during-covid.html

Conservative Party Petition for ‘Trudeauing’: https://www.conservative.ca/cpc/add-trudeauing-to-the-oxford-english-dictionary/

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