IWR News for September 20th |
How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military

September 20, 2024

sattler sheikh featured image
The Long-Haul Legal Flight Takes Off | Matt Sattler and Umar Sheikh
Interview Christof Plothe.00_18_32_25.Still001
The Most Disturbing Data Yet on “Vaccine” Infertility | Christof Plothe, D.O.
Interview Dr Jessica Rose Final_1.00_06_13_24.Still001
The Burden of Proof | Dr. Jessica Rose
Will Interviewed on nottv August 5 2022.00_28_28_26.Still001
How We’re Going to Defeat the Globalists | Will on NotTV
uninformed consent featured image
Uninformed Consent: An Interview with the Creators | Todd Harris, Dr. Hoffe, Dr. Malthouse
Jane Ruby on CDC Hiding Death Numbers SAFC.00_09_04_10.Still002
Exposed: The CDC is Hiding Death Numbers | Dr. Jane Ruby
Andrew Wakefield Infertility SAFC_Moment
Behind the Scenes of Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda | Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Rob Verkerk Marburg and resiliency_Moment(2)
Resilience to the Threat of Immune Disturbance | Dr. Rob Verkerk

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military
  • Trudeau Cabinet Continues to Abandon Ship
  • An Early Election is Not Likely
  • Foreign Interference in Canada
  • Special Report: Violence Against Women on the Rise
  • BC Imam Preaches Hatred of Jews and Christians
  • Google Announces Beta Test of Digital ID
  • Explosive Devices and the War in the Middle East
  • Moscow’s Drone Warfare and War-Weary Russia
  • WEF Calls for Increase to UN Powers
  • Health Minister Calls for Free Abortion Pills
  • Second Annual Million March for Children
  • Pope Invites LGBT Activists to Synod



Documentary: How Trudeau Broke the Canadian Military:

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