The End of Freedom of Speech in Canada |
Michael Alexander

September 11, 2024

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Ethical doctors across Canada in recent years have been persecuted for telling the truth. Any doctor who went against the Covid narrative faced suspension or revocation of their license to practice, and their professional reputation was also attacked, making it unlikely they would ever work in their chosen field again.

Few in Canada have been more vocal in telling the truth than Dr. Mark Trozzi, who’s license was revoked last year.

Mark is represented before the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons by lawyer Michael Alexander, who has been working a very clever strategy since day one of the CPSO’s actions against Dr. Trozzi. A strategy that assumed that the CPSO would conduct a kangaroo court to punish Dr. Trozzi for speaking out against the narrative. Which they did. But it is a strategy that also backed the CPSO into a legal corner, in which justifying their persecution can only be done under violations of their own rules.

That strategy is about to come to fruition.

The CPSO, in the upcoming final hearing on the case of Dr. Mark Trozzi will either have to exonerate him and reinstate his license, or engage in an obvious gross miscarriage of justice in front of thousands of witnesses. With no justification whatsoever for their actions.

That hearing will take place on October 8th.

And this case carries far more significance than just Dr. Trozzi’s right to practice, and to do so in an ethical manner. With Bill C-293 before the Senate this fall, a bill which will pass into law the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, a draconian document that will enable our government to surveil, censor and control us all, to attack our food supply and our resources, our right to move freely, to dictate to us supposed health measures we must follow, and to do all of this at the behest of a foreign power, the World Health Organization, a loss for Dr. Trozzi will mean the end of our rights to freedom of speech in this country.

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