The Iron Will Report | October 25, 2021

October 25, 2021

421 Patrik FN Nano
Healthy Home, Healthy Office: Patrik Pavlica
427 Glenn Blackett UnWoking the Law
Un-Woking the Law, The JCCF Part 1 of 4: Glenn Blackett
IWR News for November 24th | Killer Robots: Military AI Drones are Here
425 Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander
The Persecution of Dr. Mark Trozzi…Continued: Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander
The Big Picture - Life Inside the Control Grid
The Big Picture: Life Inside the Control Grid | Todd Michael Harris and Amanda Forbes
IWR News for November 17th | Ethno Bombs: Viruses that target specific ethnic groups
420 NWPM part 3
Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 3
IWR News for November 10th: Trudeau on the Way Out

A further update on our new toolkit to push back against universities mandating vaccines for students. A lawyer is working on the letter and we hope to have it ready this week.


  • Record inflation, and it’s going to get worse
  • Doctors providing exemption letters
  • Ireland posting side effect notices
  • Covid concentration camps in Canada
  • Our pushback against universities mandating vaccines
  • A new strategy for employees being threatened with dismissal
  • 7 degrees of separation
  • Upcoming interviews

and upcoming interviews this week:

  • Brian Peckford, the sole surviving architect of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Vincent Gircys, a retired OPP officer on the surveillance state and how you can protect you privacy
  • Andrew Brannan, an ER and ICU nurse on the ‘vaccine’ patients flooding our hospitals


Volunteer as a Brochure Distribution Center

Volunteer to Distribute Brochures

Volunteer as Our New Discord Mediator

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