Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam
Yasmine Mohammed

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We think of radical Islam as something that happens in other countries, such as Hamas murdering innocent Israelis, or stories of honor killings of women in countries like Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.

We like to believe that these sorts of abuses could never happen in our country.

But the truth is they do happen. Every day.

In Canada today there are Muslim extremists who marry multiple wives under Sharia law, and who treat those wives and their children by them like property. And when those women go to Canadian authorities for help, the vast majority of the time nothing is done because the ‘authorities’ fear being labelled as Islamophobic.

Even our courts have upheld the right of extremists to beat their own children.

Yasmine Mohammed is the author of the book Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam.

Her story is a brutally honest account of her childhood and young life under the extreme abuses of a radical Islamist stepfather, and her forced marriage to an Al-Qaeda terrorist.

And these things didn’t happen in a far away country. They happened right here in Canada. And they are still happening, in fact I would suspect as Canada continues to open its doors to Muslim extremists, they have become everyday occurrences.

I will caution you that Yasmine’s story is extremely disturbing. But I also want you to know that I believe this is one of the most important interviews I have ever done.

Yasmine is trying very hard to help others like her, the abused and ignored victims of radical Islam who have, or are trying, to escape. And by watching and sharing this interview, you can help.

Because it doesn’t matter how many brave victims like Yasmine speak out. Nothing will change until we, the people who have the power to influence our governments, add our voices to hers.


Please donate at Free Hearts, Free Minds: https://www.freeheartsfreeminds.com/

Yasmine’s Book – Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam: https://www.amazon.ca/Unveiled-Western-Liberals-Empower-Radical/dp/1999240502/

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