How They’ll Sell the Surveillance State | James Roguski (EXCERPT)

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James Roguski is an author, researcher, activist, and natural health advocate. He specializes in researching highly complex issues and translating data into simple language that is easily understood to facilitate action. Mr. Roguski’s Substack has been a source of information for a number of my own weekly news segments on the Iron Will Report.

James and I have sometimes been in the same meetings with other freedom leaders. We’re both contributors to the World Council for Health, and we’re both doing everything we can to make the truth accessible to as many people as possible.

Recently I reached out to James with a request for an interview. His Substack makes it clear he is knowledgeable on a wide range of subjects in regards to the attempted globalist takeover of our rights and freedoms, but James turned the tables on me, and instead invited me to be interviewed by him.

In this interview James asks for my bird’s eye view of the globalist strategy. What they are really doing, what they are likely to do, and most importantly what we can all do to stop them.

For Full interview Subscribe to:


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