How We Could Stop the Great Reset Cold in Canada | Interview with Nicole LeBrasseur

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Nicole is an advocate for social reform for all Citizens and Indigenous Peoples of Canada. Nicole is also the CEO and Director of the Canadian Peoples Union, an initiative started in 2017. She joins us to discuss the work this group is doing to regain our sovereign rights as citizens of Canada.

On what is broken and how to fix it in Canada….

Change section 9 of the Constitution, in regard to the prerogative power and the executive power. The queen had prerogative powers, which was passed on to the governor general, but really, it’s the cabinet that takes that because the governor general really doesn’t have any power for that. It’s the Queen’s Privy Council that does. And then the cabinet as well, every other prime minister we’ve ever had, is part of the privy council…they have to put the Canadian people and Indigenous Nations as the equal shareholders of the crown of Canada separate, because they have the right, because the government belongs to us.

On our Path to Freedom, away from The Great Reset…

Visit the site [see link below] and sign the Citizens’ Convention of Consent for free, supporting this, getting everybody, 15 years and up can sign this.…become the true shareholders of the Crown of Canada and be above the government. A lot of people don’t understand. You end up with zero, a universal income that’s passing through government right now and we have no rights to any of the resources in Canada. Anybody who accepts that money don’t touch – DO NOT. In Canada, we can print our own money. The debt that we’ve incurred since 1982 is not ours. In 1974, Trudeau Sr. made the mistake of borrowing from the private banks, instead of borrowing from our own money, our own infrastructure. We can stop The Great Reset.


Canadian Peoples Union –

Request to UK for Constitutional Correction

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