IWR News for August 9th |
Man Arrested for Facebook Post

August 10, 2024

Interview with Kip Warner_Moment
Unlikely Heroes of Justice; Why We Are Stepping Up | Kip Warner, CSASPP
Kat Lindley Pharm and Vax injuries Thumbnail
Due Diligence Demolished; Is Repair Possible? | Dr. Kat Lindley
Scarlett Martyn United Health Care Workers_Moment(2)
The Creepy Code of Silence in Health Care | Scarlett Martyn
Charles Hoffe Vaccine Injuries_Moment
Healing Starts with the Terrible Truth; We Can’t Hide from the Damage | Dr. Charles Hoffe
Interview with Ken Drysdale Stats Can proves there is no pandemic_1_Moment
StatsCan Hoisted By Their Own Petard; Pandemic Does Not Exist | Ken Drysdale
Kate Lindley Monkeypox Thumbnail
True or False Game We’re Made to Play; Monkey Pox, Marburg and More | Dr. Katarina Lindley
Jane Ruby Blood Clots Still
Autopsies Find Mysterious Structures in Blood of Injected | Dr. Jane Ruby
Katherine Kowalchuk Interview_Moment
The Challenge of Alberta, “This Is Achievable!” | Katherine Kowalchuk

This week in news that mainstream media won’t report and our government doesn’t want you to hear:

  • Man Arrested for Posting to Facebook
  • Bill C-63: Possible Life Imprisonment
  • MAiD Now a Top Cause of Death in Canada
  • Trudeau’s Political Prisoners Exonerated
  • The Continuing Castration of our Military
  • U.S. Church Feeds Canadian Hungry
  • Interview: Is it Time to Bail Out of the Stock Market?
  • AI Scams
  • Elon Musk Sues Censors
  • World War Watch: Canada/Israel
  • World War Watch: Israel/Hezbollah
  • Covid Vaccines Found to be Useless
  • WHO to Declare Global Health Emergency
  • Man Wins Gold in Women’s Olympic Boxing
  • Elon Musk May Rescue NASA Astronauts


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Scams

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