Record Paramedic Deaths in Canada | Bob Dubroy

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Some of you will have seen my interviews with Dr. William Makis, who has been tracking doctor deaths in Canada since the rollout of the vaccines. But it’s not just doctors who are being affected. Almost all health care workers across Canada have been subjected to mandatory vaccination mandates in order to keep their jobs.

Recently I was contacted by one of our subscribers, Robert DuBroy, who had researched deaths among Canadian paramedics. I reported on his data in my news report for the week of February 3rd, but touched only upon the high points of the data.

Bob joins me today to go into greater depth on deaths among what are largely young, fit paramedics. He explains the challenges he had finding the data, and reveals the massive and unprecedented increase in unexplained, sudden deaths.


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Bob DuBroy  0:00

Some of you will have seen my interviews with Dr. William Makis, who has been tracking Doctor deaths in Canada since the rollout of the vaccines. But it’s not just doctors who are being affected. Almost all healthcare workers across Canada have been subjected to mandatory vaccination mandates in order to keep their jobs. Recently, I was contacted by one of our subscribers, Robert Dubroy, who had researched deaths among Canadian paramedics. I reported on his data in my news report for the week of February 3, but touched only upon the high points of the data. Bob joins me today to go into greater depth on deaths among what are largely young, fit paramedics, explain the challenges he had finding the data, and reveals the massive and unprecedented increase in unexplained ‘sudden deaths’.

Will Dove  0:56

Bob, welcome to the Show.

Bob DuBroy  0:58

Thank you.

Will Dove  0:59

Now, as many of you may know, if you watch my news report, I reported very recently on Bob’s research into paramedics in Canada who are dying at unprecedented rates. Bob, please tell us what you found?

Bob DuBroy  1:11

Well, where this started was because I was trying to look at doctors and doctor mortality. Well, a lot of physicians were passing away, as Dr. Makis as pointed out, so I was helping him with some of that research. And the scope broadened at one point. Somebody reported on a woman who died end of August of 2022, on a jetski. And it wasn’t because she collided with anything. She had a medical emergency on the jetski, nearby Buffalo, New York, but it was an Ontario paramedic. So now the scope broadened Why would a fit 32 year old paramedic, who is probably pretty athletic, have a medical emergency on a jetski, lose control and die not not from drowning, or from the head injury trauma but because something else happened. So obviously, there was there was a story there. And what that told me was, let’s look at the background of paramedics, what’s going on with paramedics? They’re fit, they have to pass a stringent fitness test, carrying 25 pound dumbbells, 100 pound barbell on a trajectory. They have to do 100 compressions a minute on a dummy for two minutes, carry a chair upstairs with a person in it. These are all indications that these people are they have really good cardio numbers.

Will Dove  2:45

Yes, indeed they do. And some of my viewers, I just want to interject something if some of my viewers know that I was a paramedic when I was younger. Now this was almost 40 years ago, but and they we did have I recall now, we didn’t have something of a fitness test requirements. It wasn’t as stringent as what you’ve just described. But what I can tell people is that overall, yes, paramedics were in much better physical condition than say doctors were and on average, younger. That’s right. And yet we’re seeing these young fit people dying of unknown causes, realizes there

Bob DuBroy  3:20

it is, yeah. Besides the cerebral hemorrhage, sometimes cardiac issues of all sorts. And oftentimes, it’s just described as sudden or unexpected.

Will Dove  3:30

Right? So you found this one 32 year old woman, and that got you digging. So that’s now of course, if people watched my news report, they know that it’s very difficult to get this data safe from the government. And could you explain first, why that is why it’s so hard to get the data there.

Bob DuBroy  3:48

The numbers are hidden. They use all kinds of euphemisms. It’s just cause of death is just not what it used to be. And a lot of these people are it’s just getting grade and a lot more cremation than in the past, so we can’t do the autopsies. We used to even after the fact, families are asking for answers, and they’re not getting them. sudden and unexpected. So what I was hoping to find some surrogates that would let me know, okay, who’s becoming ill, who’s dying under these circumstances in a post COVID-19 injection world, that is to say after December of 2021.

So what’s going on here? And well, after December 2020, I guess, yeah, it was summer 2020 is when it rolled out. So doctors are certainly early joiners in this process. The mandates for so called vaccines and hospitals and all Square was strictly enforced across Canada. Very early on for doctors, I assume also for paramedics, it looks like they were among the the early joiners, they were ahead of the line. So you had essentially seniors, especially in retirement homes, and people who are frontline doctors, nurses, paramedics.

Will Dove  5:25

Yes, and according to two paramedics I have interviewed that is in fact the case that they had the vaccines mandated on them as well.

Bob DuBroy  5:33

Yes. This has changed a lot of things. I don’t know if you in when you were in high school, you took the you study the play, flight into darkness or flight into danger. Anyway, it was, it was the original story behind the movie Airport. And what happened was the pilot and co-pilot goes and ate the fish that was offered, whereas other people – some ate the fish, some ate the chicken. So among the passengers, and everyone who ate the fish got sick, and the people eating chicken were okay. But of course, that knocked out everybody in the cabin, the pilot and co-pilot couldn’t function anymore. And it’s because of this, this scenario, that there’s actually a rule that you don’t allow the pilot and the co-pilot to eat the same meal in case it’s tainted, very wise. But what’s happening, though, is both have to get this injection. Yeah. So what was good for nutrition should have been got good also for medical procedure. Yeah, don’t expose both of them to an experimental procedure. And that’s what’s happened. Planes are falling out of the sky.

And the same situation is happening with paramedics. So many paramedics got injected, that we’re starting to see problems, we’re starting to see people, a shortage of paramedics. And I suspect because many refused the injection. But also, people are getting sick from the injection, I think. And also they’re getting sick from COVID. Which is crazy. What the injection that was supposed to prevent. This is not we had an outbreak of COVID, among paramedics in Ottawa. And how can that be? The press coverage does not say these people are supposedly immunized. What’s going on? Why are journalists not asking those questions. Anyway, I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

Will Dove  7:34

That’s quite right. And as you point out, now we’re seeing at least I am, and I’m sure other people are as well, more and more news articles about extended wait times for ambulances. And you mentioned before the interview in emergency in Ottawa, guess something like 18 hours,

Bob DuBroy  7:50

ERs in Ottawa, typically, you especially on the weekends, you can expect to wait 18 hours, when I sent my grandson into emergency, he was just a couple of months old, with my daughter, I said, Look, tell them it’s respiratory distress. And make that very clear. Otherwise, you’re going to be stuck sitting there with a child who’s on the edge of death. So tell them respiratory distress. If they’re not bleeding, and they’re not having trouble breathing, you can expect a very long wait. And there are some line jumpers who tried to get ahead of the of that process by getting delivered by ambulance. And that means there’s a great stress on the whole paramedic system, because some of them really don’t need that kind of attention. Whereas cardiac patients do. Yes, yeah. Anyway.

Will Dove  8:41

So then where I have to go now with this is you’ve already explained why you couldn’t get this data from the government. So where did you get it?

Bob DuBroy  8:50

So I’m using five search engines. And I’m looking at not just obituaries, but also news articles. And in some cases, paramedic associations, they report occasionally on paramedics who died while on duty, because that’s, that’s a story. Now, dying on duty, not unusual for paramedics, especially because some high speed driving is involved. A lot of collisions are put in when paramedics you may have heard of the remembrance bell that goes around, it’s there 53 names of paramedics on this bell that have it’s that have been visiting towns, especially in Ontario, until about 2020. paramedics who died in the line of fire, so to speak, essentially people who died in traffic accidents. But now we’re seeing people not just dying from traffic accidents, but and that could be due to the other driver messing up or a paramedic messing up or a lane change or —

Will Dove  9:55

—  what people have to remember and then once you can have sort of step one here, but it’s something that people Remember, they might not be thinking because they’re not paramedics if they’ve never done this job. Yes, you have a driver in the front seat who’s wearing a seatbelt. But you had an attendant in the back who is not. Yeah, the patient is strapped down, and their stretcher is locked in place. But the attendant or a medic, what is not vulnerable? No, yes. So even a low speed collision can potentially kill that attending paramedic in the back.

Bob DuBroy  10:21

Yes, and there’s a lot of high speed driving. So they’re quite vulnerable. As to the driver, though, we live in a new era. Now the post COVID-19 injection era means that drivers could have a stroke behind the wheel, a heart attack behind the wheel, a brain embolism behind the wheel a lot more frequent frequently than in the pre December 2020 era. So and we know that virtually all paramedics are fully inoculated. That means that there’s a multiplier effect, the possibilities of medical emergencies for the driver multiply.

But in addition to that, in the numbers I have, and I’ve looked at 51 paramedics in the last two years, four of them died while on duty two in collisions, which is kind of normal, but two have heart attacks, which is not really very normal for fit 25 year olds, it’s just not normal. And why would serving the public in a quick okay, a high stress situation? Why would that cause a cardiac issue in a young fit person? A lot of questions. And we’re not getting autopsies. So what we’re trying to do is, is get paint a picture from a fairly large sample and see what the pattern is.

Will Dove  11:55

And so what did you find? When you finally were able to collate this data? What did you find?

Bob DuBroy  12:00

Yeah, well, in terms of age distribution, we actually have numbers across the country from, for age distribution of paramedics. 47% of paramedics are between 30 and 59, get a small number of a 10%, under 20. And, again, a smaller number over the age of 59. This is not a job people tend to retire in. But some do graduate into management or into training roles. So they still have paramedic in their background. And I included those in the study as well. So the numbers of mortality, there are pretty well following the pattern of employment. And that seems odd, because you would expect a lot more older people dying than younger.

The other weird thing is, in terms of cardiovascular issues, cancer, the reported numbers, we have to understand obituaries do not generally give the cause of death. If you look at pre 2020 cause of death might show up in five or 10% of obituaries. But and sometimes it’s alluded to indirectly. So please make a donation to the Cancer Society or please give a donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. That gives you an idea that, Oh, these people passed away from cancer or from a heart or stroke issue. So putting those numbers together, sudden and unexpected. We got 11, 11 out of these 51 paramedics were as sudden and unexpected – that was not terminology you saw in earlier obituaries.

These were euphemisms, sudden and tragic for suicide, and that would show up in 1% of obituaries. But now we have sudden and unexpected showing up in 21%, plenty closer to 22% of these, of these obituaries or stories. About a quarter had no indication of the cause of death. This is unusual, again, pre 2020, maybe only 10% had a cause of death indicated. So 90% that just wasn’t mentioned. Now, only about a quarter has no indication of cause of death, we’re getting some allusions to what how they died.

Will Dove  14:30

And if I can put some numbers on these, if I remember the chart that you sent me correctly, you found it and we’ll discuss this in a minute how this is almost certainly low. But in that chart you sent you found 51 deaths 11 of those were as you said sudden and unexpected. Another 14 were these indeterminate causes, no explanation. Which means that right there is almost half of the 51

Bob DuBroy  14:55

That’s right.

Will Dove  14:56

25 of them,

Bob DuBroy  14:57

Yes, yeah.

Will Dove  15:00

And then but here’s the interesting thing that I want you to explain to the viewers. Because you’ve said, well, obviously is any good statistician would, you said, well, we need something to compare this to. And so you looked at the general, pre 2020 population? And what did you find in those two categories of sudden, unexpected and indeterminate causes?

Bob DuBroy  15:21

Well, they didn’t show up. They don’t exist, those categories.

Will Dove  15:26

So you’ve got this. So I want to clarify this now. So you’ve got almost 50% of these 51 dead paramedics assigned to these two categories. That basically means we’re not going to tell you what they died of, or we don’t know.

Bob DuBroy  15:37

We’re in new territory, right now, —

Will Dove  15:39

— compared to 0% in the general population prior to December 2020.

Bob DuBroy  15:47

Yes, in all cases people who like look like accidental death, like these are unintentional injuries. Usually a collision, it could be other things like slipping up a ladder, or some fall or something. 5% of Canadians died that way in 2019, 8% of these paramedics died that way. So it’s a risky job. And collisions are a fact of life. But then when you look at cancer, and cardiovascular issues, cerebrovascular issues, that’s like, these are fairly high numbers when you’re getting about 20 or 15% for cancer, cancer, about 20%, cardiovascular 14% in the general numbers for Canada, they’re 28 and 18. But there are lots of unknowns in our little group of 51. Here, the no indication group is 14 out of 51. That’s, that’s a big number of people with just a question mark next to them.

So we assume some of those died of cancer, some died of cardiac issues, some died of cerebrovascular that’s not being reported. So that gets us ahead of the the general candidate numbers. And the general candidate numbers, again, are applicable mostly to older people, yet don’t get 20 and 30 year olds dying of these things. The suicide rate though now we have another interesting number, 1.5%, for Canada wide 4%. For the paramedics. It’s it’s a stressful job. There’s a lot of trauma, undiagnosed PTSD among paramedics. And I have to say the streets are getting meaner out there. They are the paramedics have been laid off. There are not enough, there’s a greater demand for paramedics than then there are a supply and a lot more people are calling for cardiac attention. I suspect again, because of the VAX.

So demand higher, supply lower these people are made to work ridiculous hours. The scheduling is horrible. It’s not family friendly. People get depressed people are looking at dead bodies on the street, dead bodies in homes, sometimes victims of crime. A lot of injuries that are horrific, to look at people who have severe burns, and they go home. And what do they do? Here we have 4% to take in their own lives.

And I read a story just recently, some paramedics were trying to answer a call, and they were getting shot by somebody on a rooftop with an air gun in Vancouver, British Columbia. This this is not part of the job description. No, definitely in the streets, the streets are getting meaner, the demands are higher. And I’ve read also that the COVID-19 injections have been found to provoke suicidal ideation. This is a brutal mix.

Will Dove  19:03

Indeed it is. So now I want to touch on what I alluded to before. In your research, you found 51. But you have very good grounds to believe that that number is quite low. Please explain why?

Bob DuBroy  19:15

Well, there’s no question about we’re in a new era now. When my parents grew up, you always registered births and deaths in the newspaper of record. And in my generation, like my third child, I disregarded that I didn’t make a birth announcement for a third child. And my parents were livid. They thought, Oh, this is ridiculous, you know, so don’t do that. But But today, 36 years later, and everything is digital. A lot of people are simply not publishing obituaries, at least 5% are telling funeral homes, not to publish obituary.

So the numbers can be much higher. So the obituaries aren’t even there. Sometimes they’re in tiny newspapers that are not findable with a web search. And oftentimes, careers are not indicated so many, many people will not list that they were a paramedic, you might have seen from the photographs that I sent you, a lot of the people – that a quarter were shown in uniform, so they were proud of being paramedics. But a lot, don’t even mention that they don’t mention that they had any kind of career at all, it could be a four line obituary, very simple. So those I can’t capture because the word paramedic or EMT, or EMS don’t appear anywhere in the obituary. And they might not have been covered by CBC or the other media.

Some of the more sensational ones were and I use those articles to track down names because often, the initial media report will not give the name of the victim if they were in a position, for example. So then I’d have to try to match dates and places with obituaries and track down who that person was. It was a fair amount of digging. I have to admit, a lot of people have escaped this net I cast. I don’t know how many. So this is just a sample. This is not the universe of paramedic deaths.

Will Dove  21:18

I have to finish with this question, Bob. Because we know that the government is not reporting things where they used to, for example, in the last six months or so they no longer report the vaccine status of COVID patients in the hospital. And so I got to ask this question, the fact that you could not find this data from government statistics, do you think they’re intentionally hiding it?

Bob DuBroy  21:39

It’s hard to infer intent. But two plus two equals four. There are numbers that we used to be able to get and we can’t get any more. So we have to wonder about motive. Yes.

Will Dove  21:57

Well, Bob, I want to thank you very much for doing this research. You referred earlier to Dr. William Makis, who has been doing a great deal of research in doctor deaths. But that leaves a lot of ground in the public service industry of the healthcare industry uncovered. And so I want to thank you personally, for doing that research for letting me know about it. So I was able to report on it and for doing this interview to alert people that this goes way beyond just doctors.

Bob DuBroy  22:23

Absolutely. You’re welcome.

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