No One Had to Die: 99.73% Survival Treatment Protocol (Part 3 of 3) | Dr. Ellapen Rapiti

November 7, 2022

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Dr. Ellapen Rapiti is a family doctor in a poor section of Cape Town, South Africa (Population: almost 5 million people). Out of 3,000 patients he treated for Covid, many of them in advanced stages, only 8 died. Dr. Rapiti’s rapid diagnosis methods and aggressive treatment protocol show clearly that no one had to die from Covid. The eight patients he lost all died because they waited too long to come and see him. Ellapen is absolutely convinced that everyone could have been saved from this virus.

Dr. Rapiti presents case studies, testimony from some of his patients, and he outlines his entire treatment protocol. Every drug he uses with dosages. It’s all there for any doctor to follow.

Finally, Dr. Rapiti also provides clear instructions on what drugs and supplements that you can keep on hand for the next virus, as this treatment protocol will work for all viruses, not just Covid. In the event that you do contract a strain of Covid, you should be very hesitant to go to a hospital where they will tell you ‘there is no treatment’ (an outright lie) and to come back when you can’t breathe anymore. This is like telling someone who’s been diagnosed with Stage 1 cancer to go home and come back once it reaches Stage 4. Of course people are going to die when treatment is delayed until it’s too late. And this does not address the toxic treatments that hospitals are using which are only adding to the death toll. You can treat yourself at home and stop the virus in its tracks long before you develop severe symptoms.


Part 1

Part 2

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